Spring Bliss 2019 - Boston Region

  • 03 May 2019
  • 5:00 PM
  • 05 May 2019
  • 2:00 PM
  • Catskills Region, NY


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Full retreat registration fee.
  • 2 adults per room / price per person
  • Registration fee for Adults who are staying off-site at a B&B or elsewhere (arranging separate payments). Includes all meals from Friday Dinner through Monday lunch.
  • 13-17 Years
  • Registration for those only visiting for a few hours and staying for 1 meal
  • Visiting for most of Saturday & staying for two meals
  • Daytime only - but Staying for 3 meals
  • Discounted Registration fee for Unemployed & Financial challenges
  • Arriving Saturday for lunch and staying through Sunday - meals and overnight accomodation
  • Full Work Scholarship - arranged prior to the retreat.
  • Full time Mission workers

Registration is closed

"A Weekend of Sadhana, Kiirtan, & Service" 

Join us for a very special event - spring regional retreat 

May 3 to 5, 2019

This retreat will be focused on three aspects of Yoga, Karma Yoga (action and service), Jinana Yoga (knowledge), and Bhakti Yoga (devotion and joy). We will be working together, meditating, and learning.

There is time allocated for Karma Yoga around the property, moments of deep meditation and kiirtan, and inspiring Dharma Shastras (spiritual talks). You can meditate every day, 4 times a day with more than 50 meditators, sing and dance to hours of blissful kiirtan, join Hatha Yoga sessions twice daily, listen to spiritual talks and enjoy the company of highly experienced Yogis.

Not to mention…. , nature walks, awesome evening satsaunga. It’s a great place to make new friends, have fun & enjoy delicious vegetarian food. 

Bliss Retreats are unique events that are carefully crafted to create a highly charged spiritual environment. Bliss Retreats create a safe, sacred space for all, from advanced yogis to new aspiring yogis; we all deserve to experience joy.

Some highlights: 

- Karma Yoga on Saturday 

- Working on the challenges & opportunities of our Master Unit

- Satsaunga Saturday evening

- 3 Hour Akhanda Kiirtan on Sunday morning

- Sadhana Shivir on Sunday early morning

- Many Acaryas will be present

- Daily Yoga Asana classes

We will strive for a balance of Karma Yoga (Service and action), Jinana Yoga (Knowledge), and Bhakti Yoga (devotion & joy). 

You can see the schedule here: schedule

Arrive: from 5 PM  Friday 
Depart: 3 PM Sunday
What to bring? 
- Comfortable and sentient clothing for indoor programs 
- Warm outdoor clothing  
- Shoes for hiking and walking shoes for outdoor.
- Slippers for inside 
- Toiletries & towel
- Blanket for asanas and meditation. 
- Depending on accommodations, your own bedding. 

- Flashlight. 

- Guitars and musical instruments. 

    Cost:  see the various online registration options available

    The cost includes the program, sleeping space, and delicious vegetarian meals. Please do not let finances stop you from coming, contact us. 

    You can pay online, cash or  check - send a check payable to Path of Bliss, 22 Joel M Austin Rd N, Cairo, NY 12413

    Directions: call for directions 

    Rooms also available at nearby Bed & Breakfast 

    Phone number to call is 347-3O5-OO33


    New to Meditation?

    Come join one of our in-person Meditation, Yoga and Living with Purpose retreats or check out our online programs where you can discover how meditation can bring you greater peace of mind and happiness, beginning with our short online quiz.  If you're interested in more, you can check out all of our other events HERE!

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